P.T.A - Partners in a Childs Education

Left to Right (Standing):
Mrs. Leandra Fernandes, Mrs. Sofia Pereira, Mrs. Sandra Rodrigues, Mrs. Angel Mathias, Mrs. Perpetua Fernandes, Mr. Romeo Silveira, Mrs. Alisha Fernandes, Mr. Arthur Coutinho.
Right to Left (Sitting):
Mrs. Rita P.L. D’Silva (Principal), Mr. George Fernandes (Chairperson), Fr. Ryan Estebeiro (Manager), Mrs. Jacinta D’Souza (Vice-Chairperson)

Parent teacher association (PTA) is a formal organization of parents and teachers that is formed to get parents involved in their children’s academics as well as to help and reform the school systems. The main focus of PTA is to work for the prosperity of the children. PTA provide parents and teachers a mutual platform to work for the betterment of the school, teaching and everything that influences the physical and intellectual growth of a child. This partnership is integral for parent, teacher and student success. When we work together everyone wins.
- To promote the welfare of children in homes, school and community.
- To promote closer interaction between home and school
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of the children and youth.
- To encourage parents to become more involved with children’s school.
- To provide support for school events and others important occasions.
Therefore parent teacher association helps in complete development of a child and lets teacher and parents understand their children’s needs and progress completely. At the end the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents and teachers, giving the children roots to grow and wings to fly.